Bhrett McCabe
3 Ways to Change Your Mindset Right Now
I hear it all the time from clients and people in all competitive arenas - "My mindset is not where I want it right now. My problem is _____________ (insert any number of mindset issues - lack of focus, lack of belief and confidence, performance anxiety....you name it)."
Your mindset isn't where you want it...yet! Here are 3 simple tips you can implement right now that will change the way you think so you can improve your performance and your life...immediately!
"If you don't identify what you want and build a plan to make that happen, then what are you really trying to accomplish?"
3 Steps to Change Your Mindset Right Now
Identify EXACTLY What You Want.
There is an old saying that I love - "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything." Same principle applies here. If you don't identify what you want and build a plan to make that happen, then what are you really trying to accomplish?
Cut the Noise.
There is drama all around you with people in your ear telling you what to do from every angle imaginable. It is mentally exhausting. You have already identified what you want so let's cut the BS and go get it.
Be Prepared for Struggle.
Struggle is inevitable. The top performers that I work with experience struggle at some point. The reason they stay at the top is because they have a plan for how to manage the struggle when it comes.