Facing the Stress in Your Life
The Secrets to Winning Podcast with Dr. Bhrett McCabe

Episode Summary
The many stresses and burdens the world has placed on us have taken their toll on so many people, and I want to make sure you are taking a moment to check in on your mental health. Believe it or not, our mental health is all we have. It takes care of you.
It's not so much the major stresses that I am worried about. Whether it's a death in the family, the birth of a child, losing a job, etc. It's the minor ones; the ones you typically overlook or brush aside throughout the day but end up wearing on you as they build up. They are things like traffic, running late for an appointment, having too many items on a to-do list, etc. They slowly drain your energy. For the most part, the ways in which we cope with these stresses aren't great either.
In this episode, I discuss different strategies you can utilize to overcome the stresses you are experiencing and some ways to neutralize them before they ever come about.