IG Live Rewind With Chris Herren: Mental Health & Substance Abuse in Today’s World

The Secrets to Winning Podcast with Dr. Bhrett McCabe

Episode Summary

Chris Herren is a former NBA player, a voice on the topic of substance use prevention, and a wellness advocate.

Since 2009, Chris has spoken to over one million students, athletes, and community members, sparking honest discussions on the topics of substance use disorder and wellness. A person in long-term recovery, Chris continues to share his story nationally with a renewed focus on prevention education and challenging audiences to rethink how we look at the disease of addiction – changing the focus from the last day to the first.

Through engaging talks, Chris inspires people to identify the “Why” in their story, to start the conversation on wellness and come TOGETHER to address the issue of substance use disorder, advocate for effective treatment and embrace the power of recovery. Prevention is ALL of our responsibility.